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Department of International Affairs

Time:2015-01-02 11:08:05   Source:本站    Author:admin   Click:

Thedisciplines of International Politics and International Relations of CentralChina Normal University were firstly founded in June 1949 at one predecessor ofCCNU – Chung YuanUniversity. Major ofInternational Politics was hosted in department of Political Science of ChungYuan University and Professor Tao Jun taught “Comparative Politics”, “Historyof International Relations” and other related courses. Besides that, “Thirty-two Years of International World:1914 - 1945” was compiled and became the originated textbook on History ofInternational Relations among universities at that time. After 40 years’development, teaching and research division of International Politics wasestablished in 2001, first batch of Ph.D. students were enrolled in 2002, andthen a new Department of International Affairs was set up in September 2004.The Institute now has 7 full-time faculty including three professors (Ph.D.supervisors), three associate professors (Master supervisors) and an assistantprofessor, all of them once studied abroad and engaged in internationalacademic communication.

Asa prestigious and advanced institute for International studies, Department ofInternational Affairs enjoys a high academic reputation and did a good job inthe fields of International Political Theory, International Security andCooperation, Methods of International Political Research and Studies on SoutheastAsia. The Department now has 3 majors and some related research areas,including “International Politics” (International political theory, CountryPolitics and Regional Studies), “International Relations” (IR theory andpractice, International Relations in Asia-Pacific region, InternationalRelations and Chinese Foreign Policy) and “Diplomacy” (Theory of Diplomacy,Chinese Diplomacy and Major Powers’ Diplomacy). Master and Ph.D. students inthose areas can choose courses such as International Relations Theory, Introductionof the Classics of IR, Chinese Diplomacy, Big Power Diplomacy, Research onHistory of International Relations, World Ethnic and Religious Issues, InternationalPolitical Economy, Methodology and Forefront Issues of International Politics,etc.

Departmentof International Affairs now hosts nearly 100 foreign students from more than50 countries. International students can complete their Master and Ph.D.degrees via English in courses learning, seminar discussing and thesisdefending.

Warmly Welcome to  Department of  International  Affairs!